Monday, August 11, 2008

Fringe Festival: Day 4

Just one show today. Thank goodness.

CHOOSE YOUR OWN PLAY. This show has the misfortune to have been assigned the CSV Center's Milagro Theatre. Which has no air conditioning. If you can stand the thought of baking for an hour and a half (including intermission), the show is cute enough - though maybe a little better in concept than execution. The concept is that the audience chooses what the main character - named "You" - does, with voting decided by which option gets the loudest yells and applause from the audience. Each time the little bell would chime to indicate it was time to vote, I would perk up and cross my fingers that my choice would win (which didn't happen as often as I would have liked). The problem I had was that while the voting was a lot of fun, there were long stretches when we had to watch the action play out with no voting to indicate which decisions "You" would make, and those tended to get a little boring, as they weren't quite as funny as they should have been. We get to see the play three times, and each time my audience (as I assume most audiences would) chose a different starting action (answer a phone, answer the door, or a surprise extra choice for the third time around), with the first time getting ending up with a trip to Booktopia with Waldo (of "Where's Waldo" fame), the second having us a crash a plane on a desert island with "Da Vinci Code" author Dan Brown, and the third time taking us back in time to high school. There are apparently eighty different possible endings, and based on the credits in the program, it's possible to even get some songs in your story - though our audience didn't get any. The show isn't really entertaining enough to warrant a second visit to see what else can happen, and to be perfectly honest even just a third story started to try my increasingly overheated patience. If you can spare the time and the fifteen bucks - and maybe do 'hot yoga' and are therefore used to unpleasantly hot temperatures - it's probably worth seeing at least the first act, just for the novelty of it all.

Unfortunately, I will be crossing off the other shows on my 'to see' list that are playing at the CSV Milagro, just because I can't imagine sitting through another show in that space.