Friday, August 17, 2007

A Pox on the CSV Center

After seeing two good Fringe shows at the CSV center today ("Piaf" and "The Medicine Show") I made the dire mistake of pushing my luck and seeing a third show there. After seeing "not from canada" I don't believe I will ever be able to set foot in that complex again without breaking out into hives. Let me put it this way... the final moments of the play feature a guy in a giant panda suit sitting at a table trying to eat a hot dog. The panda tries to put it in his mouth, and then his eye, and then he just whimpers in defeat. Blackout. That show set a new low for badness in the theatre, and it is certainly one of the worst, if not THE worst show I have ever seen. You might want to see it just to see how bad bad theatre can be. But don't say I didn't warn you.