Monday, May 7, 2007

The First Post

Okay, so this is the first post in my blog. I have tried blogging before a few times, and usually after a few days (yes days) I get lazy and stop updated them. Will this time be different? Who knows...

I'm planning on using this blog to post my ramblings on the shows I see (I'm a little bit of a theatre junky) and maybe I'll expand to boring posts about how my days go, but let's not get too ambitious. We'll see how the whole regular updating thing goes.

To clarify on the whole rambling thing - I'm using that term as a carte blanche to be as lazy as I want with the grammar and spelling in my posts. I don't really like to read things after I vomit them onto the screen, so no complaints about my butchery of the English language, because well... I just don't really care.

And so endeth the first post.